A cup of hot chai is everyone’s go-to drink on a cold winter morning. But would you do the same on a hot summer afternoon? Your first reaction would be a big NO.  You would think twice before grabbing a cup of tea in this scorching Indian heat. You will reconsider your thought after we tell you this fun fact about teas. Apart from being quite a refreshing drink, tea is healthier too when compared to aerated soda-based drinks. There are other reasons too which will make sure you opt for tea to keep you cool on warm summer days too. Let us look at these reasons to fall in love with tea once again.

  1. Tea lowers body temperature: Sipping on a hot brew on a hot summer day will keep you refreshed more than ice-coolers. This is because consumption of hot beverages like tea results in more sweating. Eventually when the perspiration on our skin evaporates, it helps the body to cool down. On the contrary, ice-cold drinks restricts the flow of blood in our body and make it retain heat. Thus, our core body temperature increases and makes us feel warmer.
  2. Induces better digestion: Tea is rich in antioxidants which are known for their anti-inflammatory properties. Drinking tea on a regular basis during the summer season reduces inflammation and strengthens our body’s immune system against common infections. These antioxidants also lower the formation of bad cholesterol and keeps the blood pressure in check. Summer season also brings along a lot of stomach infections. Tea contains anti-microbial properties which helps in better digestion and ultimately facilitates better gut health.
  3. Tea keeps you hydrated: The caffeine content in tea is very low and drinking it in moderation will contribute to our daily fluids needs instead of causing harm. Drinking two or more cups of tea can help you stay hydrated during the hot summer months.
  4. Reduces skin damage: Tea contains anti-oxidants which work against free radicals in our body which cause cell damage and premature ageing. The used tea bags can be refrigerated and then applied on the sun damaged areas of the skin to reduce skin irritation and redness. Tea also contains anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties which are useful for treating acne and oiliness.

You can opt for best Assam tea in India to soothe your body and mind during the summer season. Other tea options such as green tea, white tea oolong tea are also a hit in this heat wave. Log on to our website to order your cool chai cup today.

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