Maharani Chai

Looking for Tasty Green Tea?

Looking for Tasty Green Tea?

Green tea is considered the healthiest beverage. Loaded with tons of antioxidants, sometimes, it can taste bland and worse, bitter. Well, high quality green tea has a natural, grassy, and zesty taste. If it tastes bitter, then something is said to be over-brewed. To help you make a tasty cup of green tea for yourself, Maharani Chai is here with some mind-blowing tricks. Read till the end.

Lay your hands on the right tea.
A majority of people who have had a bad experience with green tea blame the quality of the green tea. And they cannot be truer. Only good quality green tea can render you with a tasteful cup of tea. One of the best brands of high quality green tea in India is Maharani Chai. Their green tea is known widely for its grassy and delicate taste. The Maharani Chai natural green tea is rich in antioxidants and helps in strengthening the immune system, improving the retention power, and in enhancing proper digestion. Best of all, it has a distinctive aroma and pleasant taste which is capable of refreshing and enlivening you, for sure. Place your green tea order online with Maharani Chai and get the tasteful green tea ever.

Set the water to the right temperature.
Lukewarm? Too hot? Well, water is the key ingredient of high quality green tea. A majority of people add green tea to a cup of boiling water and get a bitter beverage to drink, in return. In order to prevent your green tea from getting bitter, check the temperature of the water which should be between 160 to 180 degrees Fahrenheit. Another alternative could be of making the water sit for 2 minutes and then adding the green tea to it.

Steeping the green tea right.
A tasteful cup of high quality green tea comes from the right steeping time. Steeping is nothing but the duration it has to be kept before drinking. Because of the delicate green tea leaves, it is recommended to steep for just 2-3 minutes. Steeping for a long can turn your sweet and grassy-tasting beverage into a bitter one.

Add-ons to pump the flavor of your green tea.
Maharani Chai is known for manufacturing green tea in four different variants so that the customers can cherish how good a cup of high quality green tea can taste if mixed with ingredients like lemon, honey, mint, and tulsi. Along the same line, Maharani Chai extends green tea of honey lemon, natural and tulsi variants. Not only this increases the nutritional quotient of high quality green tea, but also makes it more flavourful and tasteful. Laced with zest and a tangy taste, this beverage can refreshen you after a long and tiring day. Other variants could involve vanilla essence or powdered herbs.

Use the right amount of tea.
To extract more benefits, you cannot add a handful of green tea to the brewing vessel or kettle. While it is important to have the right temperature of the water and the right time for steeping, it is equally important to add the right amount of green tea while brewing. However, depending on your taste, you can tweak the tea leaves or powder.

As aforementioned, Maharani Chai extends green tea of honey lemon, natural and tulsi variants. In addition to that, they are also offering their customers a combo of all three. Sounds lucrative? Well, what are you waiting for, then? Go and buy green tea online at Enjoy your cup of tasteful and healthy green tea with Maharani Chai! Happy drinking!

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