How to Choose the Best Darjeeling Black Tea You Want to Buy

How to Choose the Best Darjeeling Black Tea You Want to Buy

Black tea is the sort of tea that is drank worldwide the most out of all the tea variations. Black tea, which is made from Camellia Sinensis, has undergone full oxidation. Because of its rich, powerful flavour and texture, it is highly well-liked. Based on the area and manner of production, black teas are divided into different groups. Black teas are quite adaptable. It can be mixed with fruits, herbs, spices, alcohol, etc., and is delicious both hot and cold.

Some of the most well-liked black tea varieties that are sold in Indian markets are highlighted on this site. Read the blog to learn about the various note kinds and choose the one that most closely matches your taste.

Black teas from Darjeeling, Assam, and the Nilgiris are popular choices everywhere. However, given the options, it is simple to become confused. To learn how to choose and purchase the best Darjeeling black tea online or from your neighbourhood tea shop, however, go to the instructions below.

  1. Make sure there is no wetness or off-notes in the dry leaves.
  2. Tea leaves that are long, tightly coiled, and tippy are said to be of higher quality.
  3. Infusion should have vigour and brightness.
  4. Choose spring or fall-produced black tea if you prefer a lighter flavour. If you like your black teas strong, try the Assam and Darjeeling summer black teas.
  5. Choose a traditional Assam black tea or a CTC grade tea if you like your black tea with milk.
  6. Black teas of the highest calibre have silvery or golden tips.

Which Darjeeling tea variety is best for you?

Depending on your preferences, there are a few distinct Darjeeling tea varieties to pick from. It is well-known that Darjeeling tea has vegetal, mossy, fruity, and muscatel characteristics.

Black Darjeeling\’s first flush

Try First Flush teas if you prefer your tea mild and floral. The first Darjeeling tea to be harvested after the winter, from the end of February to the end of April, is known as the \”First Flush.\” First Flush Darjeeling has lots of silvery tips, flowery tastes, and floral fragrances. In comparison to other black teas, it is less astringent. This harvest is often referred to as \”The Champagne of Teas\” since it is renowned for having distinctive muscatel grape flavours.

Darjeeling Black Tea, Second Flush

Second Flush\’s amber-golden hue and mellow flavour will appeal to those who want their tea with a little more body. From June through mid-July, Darjeeling\’s second harvest, its leaves are harvested. Due to oxidation, this black tea has a stronger flavour than the first flush. In contrast to Chinese black tea, Darjeeling black tea has a malty flavor.

Second flush Darjeeling is without a doubt the world\’s most complex black tea when it is at its finest.

Favoured Darjeeling

Selected Darjeeling tea is a good option to try if you typically enjoy black tea but have never tried Darjeeling tea. First flush in the spring, second flush in the summer, and minor harvests in between are just a few of the periods when leaves for Selected Darjeeling Tea are meticulously chosen from several harvests. The price of tea picked in between the big harvests is lower, making the Selected Darjeeling of superb quality an outstanding deal. A floral, amber, full-bodied cup is produced by combining the traits of the first and second flushes.

Green Darjeeling

White tea, oolong tea, and black Darjeeling tea are all produced from the same tea bush; green Darjeeling tea is just produced in a different way. Unfermented tea is called Darjeeling green tea. It is steamed as soon as it is picked in order to prevent fermentation. Due to its gentle and fresh flavour, it is naturally lower in caffeine and is therefore highly well-liked. Long-time fans of Darjeeling Green Tea gush about its flavour, which they describe as mild and refreshing with a rich tannic edge. (And, naturally, the unique health advantages of organic green tea.)

Darjeeling single-estate wine

This Darjeeling tea is for you if you want to try something special. Experts in the tea industry prize Darjeeling Garden tea. A tea with this distinction, also known as Single Estate Tea, comes from one of the 87 tea gardens in Darjeeling rather than being a blend of other tea farms. Depending on stock, we may offer both First Flush and Second Flush teas under the category of Garden Tea.

The Darjeeling Autumn Flush

Autumn Flush Darjeeling is frequently harvested in October as the tea bushes start to slow down and hibernate. Only a month or so remains till Autumn Flush\’s harvest. Less flowery and more fruity flavors can be found in this flush.

Earl Grey Darjeeling

A special combination of 100% Organic Black Darjeeling Tea and All-Natural Italian Bergamot Oil makes up Earl Grey Darjeeling. Bright citrus tones balance the flowery and muscatel aromas in this tea.

Is there a place where I can buy Darjeeling tea?

Tea experts adore Darjeeling green tea, but finding it for a reasonable price can be challenging. At the best price, Maharani Chai provide excellent tea. Apply the promo code MHCHAI005 at checkout to receive 5% off your first order today.

Begin shopping and purchase your first bag of Darjeeling tea at

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