Maharani Chai

Is Green Tea the Best Option to Lose Weight?

Is Green Tea the Best Option to Lose Weight?

One of the most consumed beverages worldwide, green tea is well-known for its many health advantages. Green tea, which is high in polyphenols and antioxidants, is believed to increase metabolism, improve skin quality, promote immunity, and possibly keep us looking young for a longer period of time. Even better, it can enhance cognitive performance and reduce the risk of some malignancies. Everyday consumption of green tea can have a significant positive impact on our general health and even help us lose weight.

The market offers several different types of green tea. Some brands are superior to others in that they offer premium tea that has been enhanced with additional healthful ingredients, while other brands don\’t always pass muster. Therefore, it is essential to determine whether green tea will be a good choice for you before purchasing a packet.

Go green with your tea.

Since ancient times, green tea has been used in traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine to improve digestion, support heart health, stabilise blood sugar, treat wounds, and enhance mental performance.

Thousands of studies have now demonstrated that green tea contains antioxidants (up to eight times more potent than vitamin C) and other compounds that lower cholesterol and protect against cancer, heart disease, diabetes, gum disease, as well as bacterial and viral infections. This ancient tradition now has a solid scientific foundation.

By lowering levels of the stress chemicals cortisol and adrenaline and neutralising the harmful effects of smoking, it also aids in calming the neurological system.

Can green tea help you lose weight? Is this claim supported by any scientific evidence?

Yes. Several, in fact. It has been demonstrated that green tea inhibits lipolysis, the bodily process that breaks down dietary lipids (triglycerides). This stops fat from being absorbed, preventing you from gaining a lot of weight.

In addition, the catechins in green tea block catechol-O-methyl transferase (COMT), a crucial enzyme that boosts metabolism and increases calorie burn. It also helps in:

Getting Rid of Free Radicals

Green tea helps the body detox, which is one of the reasons it is such a potent health supplement. Atoms or molecules with unpaired electrons are known as free radicals. Because of this, these substances are very reactive chemically. Together with damaged cells, free radicals can have a disastrous effect on one\’s health. Free radicals have been linked to early ageing, certain cancers, weight gain, and heart disease. Free radicals harm the body by accelerating oxidation, which is rust in the body\’s form. Green tea has compounds that aid in removing these free radicals to enhance health and quicken weight loss.


A stimulant that occurs naturally, caffeine, can boost energy and quicken weight loss. Matcha green tea is rich in caffeine and stimulates the release of the neurotransmitter adenosine, which awakens you in the morning. Caffeine aids in the production of more dopamine and norepinephrine—happy neurotransmitters that boost energy and alertness—by inhibiting this molecule. Additionally, caffeine directly affects muscles to lessen symptoms of weariness.

When you\’re feeling tired, caffeine might also help you feel more energised. Caffeine can give you the motivation you need to get through a workout and may even improve your performance. The effects of caffeine on exercise were examined in 21 studies as part of a meta-analysis that was published in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports. Researchers discovered that caffeine reduces perceived exertion by 29%. This implies that working out makes you feel less worn out or exhausted.

Caloric Limit

Being calorie-free is one of the best things about green tea. A delightful cup of green leaf tea can easily take the place of harmful drinks and sugary sodas. To prevent turning this calorie-conscious beverage into a calorie nightmare, be careful to keep the amount of sweets, such as maple syrup, to a minimum. Try brewing your green tea with a few flower blossoms or adding a natural stevia leaf to your pure leaf green tea blend instead of sugar.

When paired with conventional weight loss methods, drinking tea can help you lose weight quickly. By include green tea in your diet and exercise routine, you can get more energy and lose weight more quickly. All you need is a tea cup, some pure leaf green tea, and some boiling water. If you routinely exercise, eat a balanced diet, and drink tea, you\’ll look your best in no time. Buy green tea from

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