Maharani Chai

Tea Tradition Across India

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What makes mornings so refreshing for most Indians? You guessed it right – a cup of hot tea accompanied with biscuits or even a full-fledged breakfast. Irrespective of the state you are in tea is an inevitable part of your food traditions.

It is not at all surprising that Indians consume 70% out of its production of 837000 tonnes of tea. Rather it is interesting to know that Indians weren’t a tea drinking nation historically. Herbal teas were the thing then, used for medicinal purposes.

The British gave us our very own chai way back in 1920s. But even after the British Raj ended in 1947, our acquired habit of drinking chai only flourished. Indians famous in making every dish their own, tea was no exception. While black tea is preferred and loved by most colonizers, Indians gradually started adding milk and other condiments to their tea preparations to give it a twist and creating their own flavors.

In the present day scenario, tea is the common beverage to begin one’s day and continue having it throughout the day to rejuvenate and energize oneself. As India is known for the various cultural differences across different states, the tea drinking tradition is also different from region to region.

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Maharashtra, Kerala and Madhya Pradesh mainly start their day with a cup of tea and a heavy breakfast along with it. Hot idlis and pohas with a chai cup are quite fulfilling and ideal to start a long day.

With today’s youth, a cup of tea and sutta (cigarette) to compliment it is the perfect way to relax in-between hectic working hours. The chai tapris outside tech parks and offices are the place where most millennial find solace.

In Bengal, tea is the official evening beverage for catching up with people and having long discussions about everything under the sun, from politics to music and sports to wives. ‘Doodh cha’ (milk tea) served in bhad (tiny clay pots) with engaging conversations amongst mid-aged Bengali uncles is a regular sight at roadside tea stalls in Bengal.

Indians follow their own tradition when it comes to food and beverages and especially tea which varies across the length and breadth of the nation. Even the various variations of tea that Indians have developed over the years are significant to the tradition of a region where it is served. To each, its own. But we will keep this discussion for some other day. Tea is a household habit and the method of preparing it is treasured by one and all.


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