Flavorful Escapes: Exploring Regional Varieties of Pure Leaf Green Tea

Flavorful Escapes: Exploring Regional Varieties of Pure Leaf Green Tea

One of the most flavourful and healthy beverages in the world is pure leaf green tea. Tracing its origin to the Camellia Sinensis plant, the leaves of this tea are green in appearance. It is noteworthy that green tea comes in cups of variations, thanks to the process of firing the leaves. During the manufacturing of green tea, the process of oxidation doesn’t happen because the tea has been “fired” soon after the leaves are picked by subjecting it to a short period of high heat to break down the enzymes that facilitate oxidation. While this sounds intriguing, what you get as a consequence of this is an aromatic and healthy cup of pale green liquid. In this blog, Maharani Chai will make you explore the regional varieties of pure-leaf green tea. 

How is Green Tea Different from Other Types of Tea?

First things first, how is green tea different from other types of tea? Well, the best green teas tend to have a green/yellow leaf appearance. The steeped cup usually produces a light body with mild astringency and a vegetal/grassy flavor. Also, they can produce bright and bitter flavors if steeped too hot and produce some unpleasant astringency if steeped too long (at least typically more so than other teas). This is why this type of royal tea is often steeped at lower temperatures and for shorter times (though not all of them need to be treated so delicately).

Exploring the Regional Varieties of Green Teas

Well, any tea-producing country in the world can make pure leaf green tea. The classification is defined by a process and if one possesses the equipment it can be produced anywhere.  This does not mean the result will be good. The tea cultivar, local terroir, and accumulated knowledge matter most.

In India, some of the best tea varieties are produced in the tea estates of Darjeeling and Assam. Expert tea sommeliers are known to pick the choicest of tea leaves which then undergo a list of manufacturing processes and finally, land on our kitchen shelves. And the best of the lot is being manufactured by Maharani Chai. Their range of green teas is tasty, healthy and pure. Here is a list of regional varieties of Maharani green teas:

  • Maharani Green Tea – Natural

It has a tender yet robust taste. One can experience the purity of tea leaves in a cup of Maharani Green Tea – Natural.

  • Maharani Green Tea – Classic

Wish to taste the best green tea for health? This green tea variant by Maharani Chai is the epitome of the flavor and aroma of green tea. Don’t miss out on the light green color of this beverage.

  • Maharani Green Tea – Tulsi

Tulsi has been cherished by our ancestors for its medicinal properties for a long time now. To foster its benefits in the form of a healthy beverage, we offer Maharani Green Tea – Tulsi. Perfect for sore throat, cough and cold, it comes in beautiful packaging and aims to cure you without any intake of those bitter medicines.

  • Maharani Green Tea – Honey Lemon

One of the most tasty and the best green tea for health is the Maharani Green Tea – Honey Lemon. Laced with the sweetening properties of honey and the tangy zest of lemon, this green tea can make the human palate rejoice with a single sip!

Wish to sip these exotic variants of green tea? Buy green tea now from https://maharanichai.com/

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