Maharani Chai

Story of Sipping History: The Assam Tea in Satna | Maharani Chai

Story of Sipping History: The Assam Tea in Satna

Long back, it wasn’t just people, chronicles, and silk that used to swim across the seven seas and trotter on the continents. One of the most popular beverages of the country – tea, managed to travel too. Today, it has branched out into a city with a rich cultural heritage – the city of Satna in Madhya Pradesh from its roots in the serene and lush green plantations of Assam, a northeastern state of the Indian mainland. Maharani Chai brings to you this very piping hot story of the Assam tea in Satna. So, hold on to your cups and saucers for an aromatic and spellbound read! 

A Delightful Beginning!

When it comes to the tea one finds in India, Assam is hard to miss. Well, the story of 

Assam tea in Jabalpur in India dates back to colonial times. The Chinese were getting a stronghold on the world economy with its tea monopoly. And it was during this time when our foreign enemies discovered the fertile tea-growing plains of Assam. The climatic conditions made Assam the matriarch of tea plantations in India, a role that it still upholds. The rest is history. Today, India stands as the second-largest producer and the largest consumer of tea in the world.

Sipping it down to Central India

With a tremendously growing demand for tea, tea estates were established in a variety of states including Madhya Pradesh. Satna, a city in MP, exhibits the perfect terrain conditions for the growth of tea. As a result, it became a tea cultivation hub. One of the outcomes of tea plantations in Satna is High CTC Assam tea in Jabalpur from Maharani Chai. 

Initially what was started as the “Darjeeling Tea Company” later became one of India’s choicest tea beverage brands called “Maharani Chai”. It was the deep desire of the founder – Late Sh. Onkar Mal Bansal to share the passion of sipping tea with his community. And this is what Maharani Chai aims to do via its Assam tea in Prayagraj even after 60 years of its establishment.

From Being a Beverage to an Experience!

Maharani Chai has always viewed sipping tea as an experience. Our Maharani Treasure Tea Box comes with two different teas – 50 gms of Darjeeling Long Leaf Tea and 450 gms of High Grown Assam CTC is indeed, a beverage treasure trove in itself. Our customers can taste the petrichor of Assam and Darjeeling tea estates, can feel the crinkling leaves of tea plantations, smell the aroma of the soil, and relinquish the historic tale of Assam tea in Lucknow while sipping from their tea cups. And this is what Maharani Chai labels as an exquisite and ineffable experience in itself.

Well, this isn’t the only thing that makes us stand out. There is more to it. We source directly from Assam. The Assam tea in Bhopal is a testament to authenticity. This is because it traces its roots back to Assam. The tea leaves are sourced directly from the small and marginal tea planters of Assam. Hence, while we serve you the best-brewed Assam tea in Bhopal, we extend our support to the very dedicated farming community of India.
So, what are you waiting for? Immerse into the aromatic and historically rich saga of Assam tea in Satna with us at

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