Maharani Chai

Buy India's No.1 Chai Patti: Carefully Handpicked Tea Leaves

Buy India’s No.1 Chai Patti: Carefully Handpicked Tea Leaves

Tea is one of the most cherished beverages in India as well as abroad. Given the array of choices and methods of making tea, almost every second Indian has a favorite pick. A good fan-following is of Darjeeling tea. Born and brought up in the tea estates of Darjeeling, West Bengal, Maharani Darjeeling Special Tea is the best Darjeeling tea online. The malty and earthy taste is refreshing and scrumptious. With Maharani Darjeeling Special Tea, now you can revitalize your life with aroma and good taste on chilly winter mornings. Wish to know more? Scroll down.

All you need to know about Maharani Darjeeling Special Tea
Tea lovers might be aware of this. Camellia sinensis, a tea variety from China discovered thousands of years ago, is a resilient variety that can withstand the highest of altitude and coldest of temperatures. This variety grown in the foothills of the Himalayas, in the Darjeeling region, is one of the most elevated places in the world to grow tea. Here, only approximately 11,000 tons of tea is produced yearly from the official Darjeeling region. This contributes to around 1% of the total tea production of India. And as John Lasseter is famously known to have said “quality is the best business plan”, for Darjeeling tea, it seems to be working out pretty well.
Another noteworthy thing is that even in the age of mechanization, Darjeeling tea is still processed in the traditional “Orthodox” way, which means the tea leaves are carefully handpicked and produced; with a tremendous level of care, experience, and expertise in the handling and manufacture of the Maharani Darjeeling Special Leaf tea.
For a tea to be called the best Darjeeling tea online, it has to specifically come from the Darjeeling region in India. It is just like how it is illegal to call any wine “champagne” if it is not from the Champagne region in France. Maharani Darjeeling Special Leaf tea is one of a kind. Coming straight from the tea gardens of Darjeeling, it has an earthy taste that can revitalize your senses. Try one of the best chai patti brands in India now!

What makes Maharani Darjeeling Special Tea India’s No. 1 Chai Patti?
A lot of things.
Since Maharani Darjeeling Special Tea is produced by handpicking and cultivation orthodox methods, it is full of antioxidants even after losing you. Being one of the best tea companies in India, we can assure you that our tea comprises different plant compounds including thearubigins, catechins, and theaflavins. These compounds act as antioxidants and prevent the incidence of many chronic diseases by fighting these very free radicals and protecting your cells from inflammation. One of the key benefits of consuming this is the reduction of cholesterol. In addition to that, it helps in preventing plaque development in the blood vessels. On top of that, it is also seen that significant consumption of such black tea beverages can lower the risk of heart disease. Buy Assam tea online now to enjoy these health benefits. Our green teas have been enjoying the reputation of acting as a natural immunity booster. Black teas like Maharani Darjeeling Special Tea tend to stimulate the generation of prebiotics in the digestive system. These prebiotics help in the growth of healthy bacteria residing in our intestines. This very thriving community of healthy bacteria makes up the immunity of the human body and fights diseases. Try green tea with lemon and honey, as well as this very Darjeeling tea to boost your immunity.

With sunlight coming in late and days getting shorter, a slight dullness may creep into our lives during the winter times. But with carefully handpicked and manufactured Maharani Darjeeling Special Leaf tea, you can add brightness to your life. Wish to sip the briskness and boldness of Maharani Darjeeling Special Leaf tea? Buy Darjeeling Tea online by placing your order now at

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