Maharani Chai

Your Ultimate Guide To Echinacea Flower Tea

Table of Content
1. What is Echinacea Tea?
2. Echinacea Flower Tea History
3. Echinacea Flower Tea Health Benefits
4. Echinacea Flower Tea Side Effects
5. Echinacea Flower Tea Recipe
6. Echinacea Flower Tea Dosage and Recommendations

What Is Echinacea Tea?

Coneflower tea is an herbal product brewed from the leaves of Echinacea plants. There is a hint of sweetness, earthiness, and floral aroma to this tea due to the leaves, petals, and roots of the plant.

Echinacea Flower Tea History

Besides its rich history, echinacea has been used by Native American tribes for thousands of years. There are many ways in which this plant is used medicinally. Native Americans utilized coneflower or echinacea to heal wounds and treat snake bites and infections. European herbal medicine began to use echinacea in the late 1800s and early 1900s. The health benefits of echinacea flower tea have made it a popular herbal tea.

Echinacea Flower Tea Health Benefits

The health benefits of Echinacea flower tea are numerous but we have selected five that are particularly noteworthy.

  • Cancer- Fighting agent

According to NIH research, echinacea may provide long-term benefits to patients with brain cancer due to its high antioxidant content. Echinacea tea might have medicinal properties and possibly aid cancer treatment due to its phytochemical content. 

Cancer patients are now recommended to use coneflower as an alternative therapy to conventional chemotherapy to treat the disease.

  • Enhances Immunity

Echinacea is also effective for treating colds. University of Connecticut researchers evaluated echinacea effects in Lancet Infectious Diseases after using 14 studies.

According to the results:

  1. A study found that echinacea would protect against the common cold in 58% of cases.
  2. Echinacea decreases most cold durations by 1.5 days, according to scientific research.

According to the Natural Resources Conservation Service, echinacea/coneflower dosage strengthens the immune system.

According to a study published in Hindawi, echinacea helps prevent colds caused by viruses.

Furthermore, Echinacea is also antiviral and antibacterial, according to another study published in Virus Research.

  • Relieves Pain

Coneflower’s history began when Great Plains Indians used Echinacea/coneflower purpurea as a remedy for curing pain. It is particularly effective for:

  • Bowel pain
  • A headache-related pain
  • Herpes simplex virus (HSV)-related pain
  • Gonorrhea-related pain
  • Measles pain
  • Snake bites
  • A sore throat
  • Aching stomach
  • Tonsillitis
  • The toothache

The gut and stomach receive benefits from echinacea or coneflower herbal tea. For instance, medicinal herbalism shows that it relieves constipation and promotes relaxation as a mild laxative. 

  • Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Usually, inflammation is the root cause of most diseases. Stress, toxic foods, and lack of sleep all play a role in inflammation.

The University of British Columbia says that regular drinking of Echinacea tea can effectively ease inflammation and improve your health. 

The herb Echinacea is even used to treat uveitis, or inflammation of the eyes so the tea made from this herb may improve your overall health.

  • Improves Mental Health

The herbal Echinacea tea species of angustifolia can be used to treat ADD/ADHD symptoms in this stressful and polluted era.

It was one of the most common herbal medicines given to children with ADHD disorder or depression. There are 83% of caregivers give these herbal medicines alone and 13% give herbal medicines under physician supervision. 

People with ADD/ADHD are more likely to experience emotional disturbances, especially:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Social phobias

Echinacea Flower Tea Side Effects

While Echinacea flower tea offers many health benefits, it is worthwhile to know the potential side effects:

  1. Allergic Reactions: Some individuals may experience allergic reactions to Echinacea, particularly those with allergies to daisy plants.
  2. Gastrointestinal Issues: In some cases, Echinacea tea may cause stomach upset, nausea, or diarrhea.
  3. Interactions with Medications: Echinacea may interact with certain medications, including immunosuppressants and drugs metabolized by the liver.

Echinacea Flower Tea Recipe

Homemade Echinacea flower tea requires only a few simple ingredients. The following is a basic recipe:


  • 1-2 teaspoons dried Echinacea flowers, leaves, or roots
  • 1 cup boiling water
  • Honey or lemon according to your taste (optional).


  1. In a teapot, place the dried coneflower tea (flowers, leaves, or roots).
  2. Let the Echinacea steep for 10-15 minutes in boiling water.
  3. Pour the Echinacea flower tea into a cup. Add honey or lemon if you like.
  4. Enjoy your hot sip of Echinacea flower tea!

Echinacea Flower Tea Dosage and Recommendations

The following dosage and recommendation guidelines will allow you to enjoy the benefits of Echinacea flower tea safely:

  • The recommended dosage is 1-3 cups of Echinacea tea per day. For children, consult a healthcare provider.
  • Take echinacea tea regularly during cold and flu season, but not for more than 8 weeks.
  • Echinacea tea should not be consumed by pregnant women, nursing mothers, or people suffering from chronic health problems.

Echinacea flower tea, or coneflower tea, is a wonderful herbal beverage with a rich history and numerous health benefits. Boosting immunity and improving skin health, this tea can be a valuable addition to your wellness routine. Enjoy the natural goodness of Echinacea flower tea and embrace herbal healing traditions.

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